brennan michael

Allan Gardens Conservatory...Again by Sean Berrigan

Sometimes the concrete jungle we live in becomes too much and you need to just slow down and chill out by some plants. Allan Gardens is such a place, located in downtown Toronto where you can walk in a door and feel like your in some amazonian jungle dome and almost be guaranteed that there will be photo-worthy light and backdrops anytime you show up. We stopped in for a quick walk-through the other day to grab some peaceful, green creative vibes with our homie Brennan Michael, who also takes major inspiration from botanicals for his personal fragrance line Memory 01. No matter how many times you visit Allan Gardens, every time it feels slightly new and different. You notice something new every time.

Memory 01 by Brennan Michael by Sean Berrigan

Some recent product shots of the new MEMORY 01 scent by Brennan Michael. This is the first personal scent from Brennan Michael that boasts smoke, wood and pine notes.

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XMAS Eve Coffee Run in Quebec by Sean Berrigan

This will be the second year in a row I haven't been back home to PEI for the holidays but this is also the second year i've spent christmas in Quebec and been fortunate enough to spend it with my 2nd family. We woke up today on Xmas eve and decided to go for a quick coffee run to this new coffee boutique in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu called Autour de la Table which we've been meaning to come to for awhile now. We brought a superb Brennan Michael candle with us and lit that thing off and had a great chat with the owner. We had a last minute stop to the grocery store to grab our xmas eve dinner ingredients which we'll have some photos up from that up on the blog soon. Happy Holidays Folks!
