smoke bomb

Nightmare In The Afterhour by Sean Berrigan

It's always a blast hanging with Rashid St. James, and this occasion was no different. Nightmare In The Afterhour is a new project Rashid's been working on and soon to release. We had a meeting months ago at SoHo regarding the album and the direction he wanted to take the album aesthetically and how he envisioned the visuals and we came to a common ground. We "snuck" into an abandoned factory in the west end of Toronto and was blown away by the crazy amount of space we had available to us with 6 or 7 floors of emptiness, each with it's own look and feel. We wanted to try a bunch of different looks while we were there, some worked and some didn't but overall everything went pretty damn good. You can check out some of Rashid's music below.

The Nightmare In The Afterhour Album Trailer