sigma 35mm art



On Sunday a group of 30+ Instagramers ascended upon a small hidden gem of a location within the eastern end of PEI called Mooney's Pond. For the first time, an event of this kind has taken place on PEI, taking inspiration from bigger city IG meetups like in Toronto, and New York. It's interesting how Instagram and social media has made it so easy to feel like you really know someone by what they share online. It's even more interesting when you get an opportunity to gather a community of like minded individuals together to network and get up to something creative. It was truly amazing to see such a great crowd of people show up and bare the cold and snow to trek through some awesome trails and fire of some flares and smoke grenades..for the gram along the way :)

Special thanks to The Morell River Management Co-op for allowing us to host the event there and to our friends at Receiver Coffee Co for hooking all the attendees up with free drip coffee for the hike.

Allan Gardens Conservatory...Again by Sean Berrigan

Sometimes the concrete jungle we live in becomes too much and you need to just slow down and chill out by some plants. Allan Gardens is such a place, located in downtown Toronto where you can walk in a door and feel like your in some amazonian jungle dome and almost be guaranteed that there will be photo-worthy light and backdrops anytime you show up. We stopped in for a quick walk-through the other day to grab some peaceful, green creative vibes with our homie Brennan Michael, who also takes major inspiration from botanicals for his personal fragrance line Memory 01. No matter how many times you visit Allan Gardens, every time it feels slightly new and different. You notice something new every time.