upstreet brewery

Beaches and Lobster Rolls by Sean Berrigan

Back here today with another beach blog post, I have no idea whether you're sick of them or can't get enough of PEI beaches! We had a blast with some good friends of ours Dante Leon and Grace Stavert - they've both appeared on the blog before. We knew they were coming down to the Island so we all decided to hit the beach on this warm summer afternoon. The good drinks, good weed and good vibes were flowing. Unfortunately, I realized I only had less than 10% camera battery remaining when we got to the beach, so we quickly plugged it in the car charger and were able to recharge on the way to Richard's, which totally saved us. I've learned in the past few weeks to carry my camera everywhere I go; I make sure I don't miss a moment and in turn, I get some crazy memories & feels while looking at those images. I feel like I'm going back to the source to when I used to document my friends growing up! Dante played us some unreleased music all afternoon and we couldn't help but be so impressed at his talent. Stay tuned for his work coming out soon! 

Richard's Fresh Seafood and Lobster down at the Covehead Wharf is one of the best spots on PEI to grab a mouth watering Lobster Roll or a round of Fish n Chips while soaking in the incredible view. It's for sure the best way to end a beach day while the sun is setting if you're in that area.




Canada Day Kegger in Charlottetown by Sean Berrigan

I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. We had a great little Canada Day keg party in Charlottetown at one of our friends parents beautiful home at the end of the boardwalk at Victoria Park. We had a great view of the fireworks and the Upstreet beer was flowing all night. Our bud Phil Enserink from East Cape Oyster Company brought shucked some of his best "Sand Dunes" oysters that he brought for everyone. All in all it was a great night, super underwhelming fireworks considering the Canada 150 thing and being in the birthplace of confederation and all but it never broke our spirits.

Sneaky Cheats Smoked-Out PEI Summer Launch BBQ by Sean Berrigan

One of my favourite communal foods is hands down southern BBQ. My buddy Spencer spent 8 months designing and welding this insane custom smoker for our day one homie and chef extraordinaire Nigel Thompson. Spencer and his fiancé Abby were nice enough to allow Nigel to throw a super dope summer BBQ party which featured the Sneaky Cheats smoker at their home in Charlottetown. Nigel and friends cooked up some mind blowing slow and low smoked pork, chicken, salmon and some mind melting steaks to fulfill everyones imbibing needs. Nigel topped off the night of drinking with a mouth watering (literally) smoked Bologna sandwich platter which was chopped up in to personal slices and disappeared in a whole 10-seconds (I think I got a bite of somebodys).  All in all there were plenty of incredible food, refreshing drinks, lots of wu-tang and some great friends made for a very warming PEI house party.